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About love for the homeland, as well as about love in general, you need to write poets. Otherwise, whatever you say, everything looks either dry, or too pathetic. But we will still try – and analyze with experts what healthy patriotism is.

You know, probably, still the homeland-
Not a city house, where I lived festively,
And these villages that the grandfathers have passed,
With simple crosses of their Russian graves ..

And the poem of Konstantin Simonov, where these lines are taken from, this is also the homeland. Part of our culture. And the victory in the war that the Frontovik poet was held is our story. And the Russian language in which these and other words about the homeland are written … well, you understand.

Is it possible to completely feel – yourself, denying our belonging to the country where we were born, where we grew up, in the language of which we speak and think?

The issue of identity

From the point of view of psychology, the perception of your country as a part of oneself is an important component of identity. If you turn to the tongue, then in Latin, and in Russian the words Patria (homeland, Fatherland) and Pater (father) – single -rooted.

No matter how we relate to parents, it would be incorrect and unhealthy for the psyche to deny their connection with them

“Each of us has personal experience, there is a generic story and there is a large -scale story of belonging to a broader group – to the country,” says psychologist Julia Reshetnikova. – a sign of personality health – accepting oneself in belonging to these different groups. As elsewhere, in Russia its own characteristics. And through many generations, this cannot but influence us now. We live the patterns inherent in our country “.

What is happening to our society today?

Why some are almost ashamed to be citizens of their native country, others experience unity and enthusiasm, while someone even discovers feelings that he had not previously realized?

“Many of us did not expect such a surge of patriotism in ourselves that happened this spring,” said the psychotherapist Guzel Makhortov. – Remember Karataevskoye “We” described by Leo Tolstoy in “War and Peace”. In his novel, this feeling of collective identity is experienced by aristocrat Pierre Bezukhov, who was captured with the peasant Plato Karataev.


I varmt vand oger sandsynligheden for, at kondomet glider eller gar i stykker. Faktum er, at kloreret varmt vand kan pavirke kvaliteten og integriteten af ​​kondomet – producenterne ikke oplever produkter i Online Apotek sa tag alle risici. Og varmt vand er forresten et smukt og indbydende sted for reproduktive bakterier. Dette er et andet emne til fordel for at have sex i sengen og ikke i badevarelset.

course, any group identity is formed on the contrast of “us” – “it”, some enemies. And against the backdrop of a great confrontation, what is dozing in a calm time rises in us. But, be that as it may, the homeland cannot help but be ashamed – another will not be, like parents. “.

Different positions and attitude to their native country lead to conflicts and even to Divorces. But it is possible that tomorrow today’s opponents, each in their own way, will come to close patriotic feelings.

Why now everything, and even love for the homeland, is experienced in such different ways, so acutely and uncompromisingly?

“We have many collective injuries,” says Julia Reshetnikova. – You don’t have to go far: both our parents and grandparents survived many difficult events that left their mark on our psyche too. In an acute situation, as now, many have very strong feelings. Some of them go into transgeneration injury roots, and at the moment it comes to life in the soul of many people. And this enhances the reaction.

Someone has wine and shame-this may be due to the fear of aggression. Someone, on the contrary, experiences anger and even rage-very often this is a protection from fear.

Group processes many times multiply the personal experiences of each. And to hold on the point of neutrality, to maintain your own identity, without connecting to the emotional wave of a particular group of society, is quite difficult.

What is healthy patriotism?

Healthy patriotism is the adoption of its identity and oneself as part of the country. But this is not about the intensity of feelings, but about the calm awareness of oneself and his belonging to this country. It can be contradictory, like everything in this life. We may like something, do not like something, but we accept it balanced and consciously. “.

Does the same healthy patriotism imply the idealization and inability to see different aspects of the national character, society, life in its country as a whole?

Perhaps here you should again turn to the tongue – it, as you know, reflects human thinking

For several millennia, people handed over to each other the biblical commandment “Read your father and your mother”: “Kabed Et Avikh Ve-ethanhah” (Exodus 20:12). Read, that is, respect, worthy of a father and a loving mother – is quite natural. But how to experience these feelings for the descending father-crypt and the beating children of the mother, for example?

The answer can be found in the same Old Testament, according to psychotherapist Marik Khazin. “If literally,“ cable ”means“ heavy ”(and, by the way,“ liver ” – and it, as you know, is a vital organ of a person). Severity, thoroughness, significance – this is already closer in meaning.

“Recognize the significance of your parents”. Respect – respect. You cannot respect – just love, as the child of his parents loves, sometimes contrary to everything. I can’t love – at least, admit that you are also part of this family, this country, this people. And the country, its culture and history are part of you “.

And in which this patriotism manifests itself in a person, largely depends on himself. From his education, family history, education. From the books read and left a vivid impression of films, from conversations with friends and personal values. And yet, according to Nikolai Tsiscaridze, from the ability to do in good faith his own business.

In a recent interview on Belaya Studio program He recalls Mstislav Rostropovich and Galina Vishnevskaya, who were expelled from the USSR in Soviet times. When the opportunity appeared, they regained Russian citizenship. And, according to Nikolai Tsiscaridze, “never in life allowed themselves to say anything bad. Anyone can read the book of Galina Pavlovna, where she describes in detail the people who poisoned her life – she speaks specifically about the officials. But about his homeland – no “.

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