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Drinking out of boredom because you feel anxious is likely to make you feel worse because alcohol is a depressant, so if you are already feeling low, it makes those feelings more extreme. It’s very common for people, especially those with additional mental health issues like depression and anxiety, to drink out of boredom. While it doesn’t automatically indicate alcohol use disorder drinking out of boredom can expose users to the extensive list of short- and long-term health effects due to ongoing alcohol use. Learning healthy coping skills, unfortunately, is not as intuitive as it might seem. Dealing with monotony and underlying mental health issues typically requires self-awareness and outside assistance through various forms of therapy addressing underlying conditions. If you’re not sure whether boredom is a drinking trigger, keep a running list of when you feel the urge to drink.

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Pile on some sobriety struggle, and it’s a recipe for madness. Your friends are out getting drunk, the same as they always do. Meanwhile, you’re at home wondering how many days it would take someone to find your body after you’ve choked on those peanut M&M’s you’ve been knocking back during your latest Netflix binge. Remember, it’s not that sobriety is terrible, but that your brain is trying to grapple with the sudden loss of dopamine. Alcohol merely blurred my perception of social situations. It’s hard to fill that time, especially when dealing with alcohol cravings and triggers.

[Podcast] Episode 9: Negotiate Alcohol Peer Pressure with FBI Tactics (with Chris Voss)

Learning to identify the triggers to drinking is the first step towards preventing Exercise is critically important in early sobriety and for ongoing mental health and wellness. It’s a great way to boost dopamine and endorphin levels naturally. Sometimes boredom in sobriety looks like not wanting to be around anyone. When you use alcohol (or any substance) to artificially boost serotonin and dopamine levels in your brain, you create an imbalance in the brain. Boredom is totally natural and we all feel it, but it can be hard to find a way out of your rut.

drinking out of boredom

Why Does Alcohol Make Me Sleepy? + When To Worry

Starting to drink gradually might be considered normal or appropriate, but it can quickly create a dependence and lead to a severe drinking problem. Talking with a trained therapist, especially one who understands substance abuse, is important. They can give you tools and resources for navigating everything you’re feeling (or not feeling) right now. When you experience GABA withdrawal, you feel things like intense anxiety, moodiness, and intrusive thoughts.

As humans, we’re meant to experience the full spectrum of positive and negative emotions – that’s how we’re designed. There can be a bit of stigma Sober House around boredom, but it can also fuel so much creativity. Boredom can indeed lead to cravings for alcohol, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Questions about treatment options?

drinking out of boredom

If you’ve created an entire social life around drinking, it is natural to be afraid of life without it. Acute anxiety and depression from the withdrawal process can ease within a few days to a week. But for many people, lingering feelings of anxiety, depression, and general malaise can last weeks, months, or even longer. However, because it’s so common, we can fail to recognize the importance of addressing it.

Healthy Hobbies to Replace Drinking

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